See into a former Jewish ghetto and the Gestapo prison - fort Terezin, a place of suffering tens thousands of people. Have the horrors experience of the Second World War exactly as the prisoners. You will also recognize Lidice, burned and destructed village after the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich in 1942. 173 men were shot, women and most of the children were taken to concentration camps.
What not to miss in Terezin?
Terezin is extensive and offers a lot of museums and significant places, but you should not miss:
Small Fortress
Former Gestapo Police Prison
The remains of the victims, cremated in the ghetto crematorium, were preserved in this part of the former fortifications.
Magdeburg Barracks
Exposition of former mass dormitory of ghetto prisoners.
Jewish cemetery and crematorium
In the place of the crematorium, it is also possible to see combustion boilers and other attractions.
Car museum
If you need something to calm down a museum of old czech car will be the right thing to see.